Local representatives react to agreement between feds and AFN
Taken from: APTN
Local representatives are weighing in on the Assembly of First Nations and the Government of Canada agreeing to discuss funding for First Nation run child and family services.
The agreement announced in Ottawa Tuesday morning is another step towards implementing Bill C-92, which has been passed and gives First Nations communities jurisdiction over child and family services.
Saskatoon Tribal Council (STC) Tribal Chief Mark Arcand said the most recent agreement is an important step in implementing a new child welfare system.
“We’ve always said that funding has to be part of the agreement and I am glad those talks are happening,” he said.
“Without funding attached to it, it was going to be very difficult for them to move forward and actually start the process,” he said.
The Conservative MP added his party supported the passing of the legislation and also supports giving First Nations jurisdiction over child and family services. Vidal said there is still work to be done to get everyone to the table but said the most recent agreement is a good step.
Vidal said he will be keeping an eye on the process, including watching for a possible update on funding in the upcoming economic update.
“Obviously this is something that is top of mind,” he said.